Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mac Moves

Our little man is officially crawling and loving every second of it. Cam and I on the other hand are frantically trying to baby proof our home which includes figuring out what to do with the seemingly hundreds of wires that Cam has installed for the sound system and his computers. If anyone has suggestions for how to cover these up and/or keep a little guy from chewing on them let us know. So far my attempts at a firm "no no" don't seem to do much except make him smile.


Nicole Hansen said...

That's our Super Guy!

Allie said...

It's always rough trying to baby proof! - I swear they can get into anything and it's usually the stuff you don't want them to get in to! Sorry, no ideas. But, I realized I hadn't added you as a link on the PHS blog, do you mind if I do?

Ashley said...

Danielle, he is so big!! That was so cute, to post the video. Let the baby-proofing begin!