Thursday, June 10, 2010

Summer Travels

Here are some pics from our recent trip to Houston and the Hatch farm.
We made a quick stop at IKEA upon arriving in Houston to pick up a train set to see Mac through the week.

Mac lounging around in weather appropriate attire, Houston during the summer is pretty intense.
Hamilton got his first taste of Mango.
Poor little Ham melting at the zoo.
Mac loved our beach trip to Galveston.

Ah the joy of trains!
And finally here are a few pics of our day trip to the farm with Mac and cousins.


Sarah M said...

I love Ham's little toothless grin. Happy Birthday to Mac!

A Boy and 3 Girls said...

Happy Birthday to Mac!!! He is soooo adorable! I can't believe he is already two!

Ham is soooo cute too! Amazing how much he looks like Mac at the same age. Kind of like my girls. They both look so much like you. I see Cam in them too but they I really think they look like you especially the eyes and long eyelashes. Your baby girl will be gorgeous too ;)

I'm so happy for you and Cam! Your family is beautiful and I'm so proud of your baking success! Mac's cake looked GREAT!