Monday, May 17, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

The front is finally painted! Now on to the yard....
Mac's love for the Thomas DVD cases knows no bounds. He takes them to the park, demands to sleep with them and luckily has stopped asking to take them in the bath as well.

Mac and Lucy at Manito Park
Mac says his goodbyes to Grammy
Mac and Miles go for a spin

This pic perfectly captures my little Ham, always smiling and always drooling.

The last week went by in a whirlwind of activity. First Grammy drove in for a visit and arrived last Saturday much to Mac's delight. The weather is finally cooperating and Mac was able to visit the park everyday with his Grams while I finally finished painting the front of our house, huzah!
Then on Friday the Boone family came over from Seattle to stay with us for the weekend and run in the Windermere Marathon (the boys) and Half Marathon (moi). Janetta and I have been friends since junior high (she reminded me that we first met in French class when I offered her candy by saying that my mom said I should share it with people, sounds just random enough to come from me) so it was great to see her again. We also introduced Mac to his new buddy/sparing partner Miles. The race was a learning experience for Cam and I, note to self train more so you don't get passed by elderly women who can run while talking on their cell phones :) All in all it was a great week and we hope to have many more visitors come stay at the Casa Hatch!


Katrina said...

Danielle, you ran a half-marathon when you have a tiny baby. Who cares about the woman with her cell phone?! You're amazing. And gorgeous, I might add. : ) The kids are gorgeous, too.

Nicole Hansen said...

It was a great Spokane week! I miss my angels already! Love you mucho!

Janetta said...

I'm not sure I know Katrina, but I whole-heartedly agree with her. I was telling you all weekend that you are incredible to run it, especially with a 4 month old baby!

You're house is amazing ... Thanks for having us, we had fun!

Ashley said...

Painting your home, having house guests, running a marathon, and mothering two boys 2 and under...Take a nap already- You are making us all look bad. :) Way to go. Your house and your boys are darling.

I'm Leah said...

Your house is beautiful!