Just to catch everyone up, last year I decided to wear this dress (ok to be honest i made five identical dresses to save on laundry costs) every day for nine months. I went into this experiment feeling a bit apprehensive as I've always liked fashion and have been known to enjoy a good shopping trip. However much to my surprise I ended up really loving the experience, not having to worry about what to wear, not feeling marketed to by clothing ads, or like the clothes i wore defined me, strangely I ended up feeling more like myself in the uniform. Soooo...as i was standing in front of my closet a few days ago spending too much time deciding what to wear only to end up in jeans and a white t-shirt I began to contemplate the idea of creating another uniform for myself. The decision to wear the dress was prompted by a remark made to me by a professor in grad school and so I've begun to mull over ideas for what could inspire my next uniform in terms of style and duration of time I'll wear it,etc...but so far I'm at a bit of a loss so I thought I'd open it up to suggestions from family and friends since you'll be the ones who have to see me in the thing ever day. I'm open to all suggestions so let's hear 'em!
Nooooooo! Please not another uniform! :-( That's my vote. :-)
haha, thanks for the suggestion mom :)
First of all, I love that you did that. Secondly I think you should do some sort of classic boat neck 3/4 sleeve dress, and make it in a few colors, black, navy and maybe a deep purple. check it out here http://www.jcrew.com/AST/Browse/WomenBrowse/Women_Shop_By_Category/dresses/knitdresses/PRDOVR~96959/96959.jsp
And you could always add a belt. And I officially got carried away with this post.
You aren't in Cali anymore so you might want to consider something with fur. . . :D We played vball tonight and you guys were sorely missed.
I too love the uniform idea, as you know. This isn't very original or exciting, but how about just white t-shirts and jeans? (since that's what you picked out of your closet anyway.) I had a co-worker that said her "default uniform" was a black, long sleeve shirt and jeans. She did wear that often and nobody really noticed.
can I order one of these dresses - I LOVE IT! xo
I feel like I should comment here since we bore the brunt of your uniform wondering "what the heck", is that all you could afford? But alas, I say just wear what fits and makes you happy!
Ps your mak is getting so big, mine too!
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