Sunday, June 15, 2008

Baby Mac

Our little angel

Hanging out with grandma

After his first bath at home (he was very happy to have it over with)

talking on the phone

Here are some of the first pics of our little guy. He was born Tuesday morning at 9:51, weighing 8lbs 12oz and was 20in long.


Allie said...

Ohhhhhh, he is adorable! Congrats, Danielle! I hope you're getting some sleep! I'm so excited for you, and again, he is such a CUTE baby! (Some of them come out so ugly, you know!) :) He is darling and I can't wait to see more pics!

A Boy and 3 Girls said...

CONGRATS!!! CONGRATS!!! He's adorable! You did a good job baking him in the oven! Love the pic of Dad and Mac! So cute! Hope your doing well.

jenibug said...

Yay!! So glad for you that your little guy is finally here. Love the nickname! :) Hope we can see you before you leave.

courtni said...

SO cute! the best ever ever

Nicole Hansen said...

I miss the little man already. Can't wait to see him (and you) again on Saturday!

Jessy Cheney said...

He is adorable! I am so happy for you three. I can't believe you are already leaving carp! It seems like yesterday when we met you at Summerland Beach. I will always be so bummed that we had to move to Montana and we missed your last year in carp! Best of luck with the move. Hope we stay in touch. love jessy

Lenette said...

Oh he is so beautiful! We will miss you so much!

The Sandy Bottom Crew said...

Congrats! He is so beautiful! I am so happy for you:)

Aaron & Winona Ready said...

Wahooo...congratulations Danielle and Cameron!!! Baby Mac looks happy and healthy; he's a very lucky boy to have two amazing parents. Good luck in'll be missed. All the very best :)

Anonymous said...

yay! i couldbt wait to see pictures! he is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

what a cutie! he is so little. congratulations! :)