In no particular order here are some family pics from this Fall.

Mac rediscovers the joy of playing with leaves while Hamilton discovers the joy of eating leaves.

Our annual pumpkin carving extravaganza with the Hawkins Family. Next year we hope to up the ante by having actual pumpkin carving tools!
Even with our rudimentary tools we managed some unique looks and most importantly some delicious roasted pumpkin seeds.

This year we moved on from the supermarket pumpkin to the actual patch.

Mac often claims he no longer needs to nap but this photo says differently.

IKEA silverware=front yard toys.

Again with the leaf eating, Hamilton cannot be stopped. As a bonus he keeps my floors spotless.

The marathon drive back from Utah included important pit stops for pickle eating.

A little Dairy Queen.

An important phone call at Carls Jr.

I relived the glory days at a Provo High volleyball game with my former co-captain Meikel (aka muckaluckaboomboom), Suzi-lou, and Kae.

Meeting up with Mom and cousin Nicki at the park for lunch.